Northern Rivers Intentional Communities

NRIC represents the interests of residents of intentional communities in the Northern Rivers of NSW.


It’s purpose is to provide a way for individuals to discuss common issues among themselves, and as needed, represent those interests to Local and State Government.


Who We Are

We are an association of people who either own lots, have built houses on, rent, or are guests of Community Title (C.T.) or Multiple Occupancy (M.O.) properties around the Northern Rivers of NSW.


Current Issue

In response to our advocacy for intentional communities to be part of a solution to the housing crisis, Byron Shire Council has carried a motion to facilitate secondary dwellings and dual occupancies on Intentional Communities. Our efforts are now directed at seeing this landmark decision implemented as soon as possible. 

Permitting additional dwellings on Communities

A proposal by Byron Shire Council in 2020 to amend the LEP to impose a blanket ban on secondary dwellings on MOs and CTs led to the formation of NRIC and a successful campaign to have the proposal withdrawn.

This, along with a devastating lack of accessible long-term housing, led to a serious re-examination of the permissibility and facilitation of secondary dwellings and dual occupancies on intentional communities. The arguments for doing so are compelling and we continue to lobby and advocate strongly for a change of attitude on the part of relevant authorities.


Take Action

Learn what you can do to support this important movement.